
Pointe au Baril

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Hemlock Channel The Town Harbour Georgian Bay Scenery Hemlock Channel Community Centre

Rockpile at Hopewell Bay Georgian Bay Sunset Anchor at the Lighthouse Georgian Bay Tree A Calm Bay

The Lighthouse Hole in the Wall Georgian Bay Scenery Beautiful Fall Colours Westerly Lighthouse View

How did Pointe au Baril get its name?

In the mid 1800's when the first boats navigated the waters of Georgian Bay, very few of the channels were marked with anything more than a pile of stones. It was determined that a barrel be erected with a lantern placed on top to guide the boats into the channel after dark or in the event of a storm. This served as the first lighthouse for Pointe au Baril, hence the name which translates "Point with the Barrel". In 1889 the first lighthouse was erected to replace the barrel light. It stands to this day, over a hundred years old and still in use to guide fishing boats, sportsmen and residents to safe harbour, and is open for viewing during the summer months.
History buffs will want to visit the stone monument marking the canoe route of Samuel de Champlain's passage through the Pointe au Baril waterway to Georgian Bay in 1615.